How Will the Internet of Things Change Space Exploration?
The Internet of Things has the potential to change our world immensely. It will present new opportunities, as well as new challenges. IoT refers to the idea of connecting virtually any electronic device to the Internet and connecting them through the Internet to each other. Astronomers have also jumped in on the IoT conversation, and it turns out they have some issues with the up-and-coming network of connected devices.
Did You Know Polyurethane Foam Made the Space Shuttle Possible?
Sometimes it's all in the details. Something as simple as polyurethane foam made the modern space shuttle a possibility. This crucial material opened up a range of new options for spacecraft, as well as everyday objects.
What Is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse and How to Observe It
A hybrid solar eclipse is a rare type of solar eclipse that combines features of both total and annular eclipses. A hybrid eclipse, also known as an annular-total eclipse, happens when the Moon's distance from Earth and position in orbit are just right to provide a spectacular celestial show.
Exciting Future Uses of Textiles in Space
When we think about space-age technology and exploring the Cosmos, we usually think of metals, foils and ceramics. But what about textiles? As many NASA engineers can tell you, textiles have always been an unsung hero in the world of material science. But if the future of space exploration pans out the way engineers expect, humanity's status as a spacefaring species will see the inclusion of — and even come to depend on — advanced new types of fabrics, textiles and membranes.
Common Tools Used to Gather Data in Space
As a species, we're working on expanding our horizons — literally — by making our first forays into outer space. Despite this push toward space exploration, there is still a lot about the universe around us that we don't know, and a lot that we don't even know to ask about yet. On top of that, much of the data that we could be collecting from outer space is invisible to the human eye. What tools are scientists using to gather data in space?
How Beginners Can Safely Observe Solar Prominences, Filaments and Flares
Use solar filters for safe Sun observation. Smartphones can enhance views when attached to telescopes, but protect your eyes and adjust camera settings.
Stargazing Calendar for April 2023
Hello fellow stargazers! This month the big event will be a rare hybrid solar eclipse, but unfortunately it will be visible to only a few small areas of the world. For the rest of us, we have two large objects at opposition: dwarf planet Haumea as well as large asteroid Iris. There will also be two meteor showers as well as many conjunctions.
A Good Time to Observe Dwarf Planet Makemake
On March 29, we have a great opportunity to observe the dwarf planet Makemake. It will be at opposition, which means it will reach the highest point in the sky at around midnight and be opposite to the Sun. At around the same time Makemake will also reach its closest point to the Earth (perigee) at a distance of 51.77 AU. Its peak brightness will be an apparent magnitude of 17.1, which makes it the brightest trans-Neptunian object after Pluto.
A Good Time to Observe Dwarf Planet Ceres
On March 21, we have a great opportunity to observe the dwarf planet Ceres. It will be at opposition, which means it will reach the highest point in the sky at around midnight and opposite to the Sun. At the same time Ceres will be closest to the Earth (perigee) at a distance of 1.59 AU. At this time it will be the brightest, with an apparent magnitude of 6.9. Look in the constellation of Coma Berenices with binoculars or a telescope.
Stargazing Calendar for March 2023
Hello fellow stargazers! This month we only have one small meteor shower, but instead we can look forward to a comet visiting the inner solar system (just barely) and more interestingly two dwarf planets at opposition - Ceres and Makemake.
Parallel Universe: We Might Be Living in an Alternate Reality!
With past years our understanding of science and the universe has expanded exponentially giving us a complete new outlook towards it and opening up a very controversial idea, yet an intriguing one: do parallel universes exist?
Mimas and Iapetus, Two Odd Moons of Saturn
Saturn has a lot of moons. Two of them are really odd, and bear a striking resemblance to the Death Star from the Star Wars movies. Mimas has a crater of approximately the same scale as the one on the Death Star. Iapetus also has large craters, but the resemblance lies in its equatorial ridge.
Did You Know? The Space Shuttle Ran On Only One Megabyte Of RAM!
It's true! NASA's space shuttle was controlled by a computer running on only one megabyte of RAM. How was this possible? Since the space shuttle and all its hardware was over 30 years old during its last flight in 2011, so was its computer.
Stargazing Calendar for February 2023
This month of February 2023 we will be able to witness two comets visiting us in the inner solar system, a meteor shower, as well as various conjunctions and close approaches of celestial bodies.