
Antlia Constellation

Antlia is a constellation in the southern sky and therefore has been unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Its name means “pump” and it specifically represents an air pump. It was created by the French astronomer Abbé Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, who created fourteen constellations for the southern sky to fill some of the faint regions. He originally named it Antlia pneumatica to commemorate the air pump invented by the French physicist Denis Papin. It was later adopted by the International Astronomical Union as one of the 88 modern constellations under the shortened name of Antlia.

Antlia Constellation Map

Main Stars and Deep Sky Objects

The Antlia constellation has no bright stars. The brightest star is Alpha Antliae, a magnitude 4.25 orange giant. Notable deep sky objects include the NGC 2997 spiral galaxy of type Sc which is inclined 45° to our line of sight. There is also a dwarf spheroidal galaxy called the Antlia Dwarf that belongs to our Local Group of galaxies. It was discovered recently (in 1997) since it has a magnitude of only 14.8.

For more constellations see the Constellations Guide.

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Paul Tomaszewski is a science & tech writer as well as a programmer and entrepreneur. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of CosmoBC. He has a degree in computer science from John Abbott College, a bachelor's degree in technology from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, and completed some business and economics classes at Concordia University in Montreal. While in college he was the vice-president of the Astronomy Club. In his spare time he is an amateur astronomer and enjoys reading or watching science-fiction. You can follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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